Kategori: Sober Living

A brain scan may show evidence of wet brain, due to brain swelling from Wernicke encephalopathy; however, most doctors diagnose the condition by examining the list of symptoms. Treatment typically involves ingesting thiamine, either intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally, depending on how the person will best tolerate the vitamin. Although treatment will not change brain damage or memory loss that occurs from Korsakoff’s psychosis, it can prevent or delay any further progression of wet brain. What Is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (“Wet Brain”)? Feeling mentally drained happens to everyone from time to time, especially when experiencing sleeping difficulties. But brain fog is not the same as fatigue or lethargy, although they often go hand in hand or co-occur with symptoms of…

Caffeine directly impacts dopamine levels and other neurotransmitters contributing to your overall brain functioning, sleep, appetite, and mood. Brain fog feels like being slowed down unwillingly or being unable to clear your mind even though you really want to. Experts say some gradual decline in brain functioning is expected with age, so any mild memory loss symptoms must be considered in context with a person’s age. Long-term alcohol misuse can lead to a number of health problems, including brain damage. Other reports, however, have found sustained injury in certain areas. Some former alcohol abusers show permanent damage to the hippocampus, a brain region that regulates long-term memory and spatial navigation, and only partial resolution of lesions on the…

The National Institute on Drug Abuse explains that acid and other psychedelics such whats in whippets as DMT change certain neural circuits in the brain. Specifically, they act on the circuits that use the brain’s serotonin levels. Its effects can last up to 12 hours, and a person cannot control when the trip ends. When assisting people who are high on LSD, it is best to keep them in a safe environment under direct supervision. Young adults abuse LSD more than any other age demographic, according to the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The report found that about 209,000 people aged 18 to 25 were current LSD users in 2016. Powdered LSD can also be…

People with HPPD experience recurring hallucinations and other effects of LSD for weeks or even years. Your chances of experiencing long-term effects, including persistent psychotic symptoms, is higher if you ingest large doses of acid or have a preexisting mental health condition, such as schizophrenia. We believe everyone deserves access to accurate, unbiased information about mental health and addiction. This means someone is experiencing physical withdrawal after stopping or psychological dependence, which means they have developed a substance use disorder. Some people enjoy their high, but others endure terrifying fear and feelings of despair. The effects can last up to 12 hours, but LSD stays in your system for about five days. When people ask is acid bad…